The studio floor area of the recording room is 210 m2 (1050 m3), with a high ceiling of approximately five metres and very controlled acoustics, perfect for every kind of recording from big orchestras to rock bands, as well as average track-by-track recording.
The control room is equipped with an SSL 4064 console with G+computer and a Studer D820 48-track digital machine. A wide range of musical instrument effect units for all sounds required today is also available.
Beside the main LEDE regie, Studio 33 offers 2 more studios full equipped with MCI consoles, digital/analog multitrack and 3 Midi-Rooms facilities (each one of them with a SONY/MCI 24 track analog!).
We feel that producers and artists coming to our studio trust us with their most valuable possessions – their compositions and ideas – and they are entitled to the best to be able to put these ideas into reality. That`s why our studio price, unlike many other studios, includes all the outboards, and there are plenty of them !!
There should not be any limit to their creative potential. So, to build a studio with a pleasant working atmosphere and a control room where long working hours would not be tiring was only one part of our aim: the other was to have a place where producers, musicians and artists alike would feel comfortable and easy, a place that would inspire them in their work.